want to play violin!
interest with plaing violin but,what should I do..
love music and someday
I want to play those music with violin!
want to play some instrument..and
I want to try playing violin.
Music lessons for non-Japanese speakers in Japan
Celler phone090-4377-2816
want to play violin!
interest with plaing violin but,what should I do..
love music and someday
I want to play those music with violin!
want to play some instrument..and
I want to try playing violin.
No problem if you have never touched any instruments or violin.
I will teach from zero and teach you detail about violin.
(how to read the music score,how we hold the violin and bow,
how we use muscle and brain for violin playing,
how we plactice violin everyday and etc..)
Hongo Studio:<<Marunouchi & Ooedo Line: Hongo sanchome station>>